Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I see what the posibilty is. I see where I can go. I see what I can do.
I see that I am scared. I see that I dont really have the answers.
I see that I miss you. I see that you miss me too.
I see that I have a future with you. I see that I'm frightened.
I see that that one day a choice will have to be made.
I see that I will need answers.
I see that I dont have to have those answers right now.
I see that it's going to be ok. I love you.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Why don't we do it in the road?

Roads. We use them each and every day in some way. I walk on my road to get to and from school and drive on them to get to and from places around town. Roads and sidewalks, they are kinda sad really. Something with no voice or authority is telling you where to go. It's giving you a path and it's not letting you feel the earth under your feet. How incrediably sad is that? I walked to work yestesrday and I cut paths across campus and didn't take a sidewalk or path for a small portion and I felt like a different person. For that breif moment I felt like i was breaking some type of rule and people were watching me as though i were some type of criminal or escaped convict. I just wanted to feel that earth under my footsteps. I felt successful afterward and wanted more. So next time you are walking (and you have strong ankles of course) take the unbeaten path. Dash through the wilderness and feel like you actually did something different for a change. It's what it was ment explore and to connect in some way even if it's by walking through it. DO IT!

Friday, January 12, 2007

No Regrets

Once there was a boy, who coined the term "No Regrets", and it stuck. "No regrets" the lot of us would say. Perhaps I never fully understood that term until now. Then, it was a term rendered for a trip that was to allow "No Regrets" but now I feel I must move that term onto my life...a life with no regrets. How can I have a life with no regrets? First I must, maybe, come to terms that I probably will have regrets, but they must be minuscule and that I must accept them for what they are and who they have made me today. What I should also remember is that when faced with a difficult decision I must choose what is best for me at the time. I must learn to engage myself into my OWN self to be aware of who I am and what is best for me.

ME. Me is numero uno. Sure, it maybe a bit selfish, but this is who I am right now, and this is who I should be caring for right now. I am who I am, I can surely continue to educate and grow as a person and to explore new endeavors but must never accept less than what I am worthy of. Never settle for less. Do those great things you dream of doing.

Dreaming is who I am. I have these amazing plans, I pray so much that one day at least 50% of them will come true. But why settle for 50% when I can do them all if I honestly try. I should never give up on them...DANG...why do I do that so easily? Why have I done that in the past?

I must say one more thing before I leave here tonight. Thank you. Thank you to the boy who said "No Regrets" that fateful journey we once took. Thank you for the one who reminded me of it. Thank you to the person who has possibly always been there, even when I never intended for our friendship to be so deep it really has turned out to be extremely meaningful and an important friendship to me. And to that same person, who can really boost my spirits and encourage me. And one more thank the people who never thought I'd be anything in this life and who never knew me for what I am. I hope one day you will soon see what I have become. Most importantly I thank You.

No Regrets!
France/Benin '05

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Young, Beautiful and Ambitious

I want to thank you for helping me realize that I am young, beautiful and that my ambitions are amazing and that I need to act on them. I'm 23 years young. I have my whole life to do all that I make of it! I'm ready to take on the challenges of life and the excitment that lay ahead of me.

For some of you reading, I'm going to give you a heads up. I have 2 semesters left...2 semesters!!!!!! Though I'm not scared now, I will be. But, I look forward to the challenge and I will be great out in the world. I want others to see what an amazing women I am. I want to empower others with my personality and my drive. Change is good and change is what I'll be seaking as soon as I am finished. I can only hope that I wont chicken out and settle for something I will regrete when I'm 50 or 60 or 70 years old.

Thank you for making me who I am and I will utilize that gift I have to do the things in life that I do best and the things I'm not so good at. I'm ready for the ultimate challenge....LIFE....