Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It truely Makes me Laugh

Honestly, right now at this point, there are so many things that can keep me down but one thing that keeps me going is Anchorman with Ron Burgundy. It's seriously hilarious! I have had one of the worst weeks so far and finally I decided F all of it, and popped in Anchorman and laughed my buns off all by myself.

There will be more blogging to come but for now, You Stay Classy.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

You Only Get what you Give

Today was one amazing day! I accomplished something that I was so scared to even try because of my fear of continual failure. But I accomplished it and it made me feel real good and I did it with the company of a good friend. Pinhole photography is the medium for my senior project and though I mastered the digital pinhole, obviously, but I did the real thing, and I was real nervous, but I got a few good shots out of it for the gallery opening. I'm real excited.

I also got to spend about 30 minutes with two good friends warming up from being out in the cold. I came home from the excursion to take a nap, then go out with another wonderful friend for dinner.

In conclusion, laughs are great. The world CAN be wonderful if you make it and you can only GET what you give. If you are wondering about the photo above, this is a picture britney took of me today in front of Jalisco's restaurant because my coat matched the paint. Yes I kinda look sad, I dont know what look I was going for? But I was trying to blend in..ha :) Peace!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Very brief update. It snowed lastnight and it was beautiful I got accepted to go to Washington DC next fall for the semester. That is an extremely brielf summary of my life at this moment. Peace!