As a house of 15, we are all a part of two courses that are taught by an EMU professors, who lives in Maryland (which is about 10 minutes from our house). Each week we either meet in the basement of our house which serves as a class room or multipurpose room or we go out in the city to look at art work or culturally historic sights. This past Wednesday the group went to the Southeast, to Anacostia. If you are at all familiar with the District, you would know that Anacostia is probably the worst section of D.C. and for some very interesting reason (which is unknown to me) the Smithsonian decided to put a museum there. Unlike ALL of the Smithsonian Museums, this one is very small, but it's about the history of Anacostia which is very rich and somewhat sad. Instead of going into too much detail, you should probably just check it out online for yourself. In a very shortened verison, Anacostia, like most of our great land, was occupied by Natives who lived in that marshy wet land and farmed it without trouble, until the wonderful white man decided to ruin it and come and take over the land. Basically from that point on, Anacostia went down hill. It's a very interesting area full of rich and intersting history.
The other highlight of our trip that day was to Lincoln Park, which is almost an unknown little park in Northeast. Lincoln Park has the large statue that you see here in this blog, of Abraham Lincoln and a former slave, during emancipation. In President Lincolns hand is the Emancipation Proclimation. The slave, is receiving his freedom, though he is still bowing under the President. This park is small but beautiful and it's interesting to note that most of the people in the park are people of different racial backgrounds who are serving as nannies. They bring the children to this park to play. It seemed like a very safe place, right in the middle of Washington DC.
I enjoy going on this little trips for the educational reasons. My professor is very knowledgable and she is fun to listen to, but my favorite thing to do is drive around in the city. I'm learning where I'm going and where I'm at and I do very well in traffic and directions. I feel as though time is flying by so quickly and that makes me very sad. My time is limited in DC and my free time is VERY limited with my internship and three classes. I do manage to find time to go and do fun things and see fun sights. I could see myself living here in D.C. maybe? If i found the right job.
Just to get you up to date, I'm working at WPFW 89.3FM it's Washington D.C.'s Pacifica Radio station. If you have ever listened to ANY good talk radio show, you would have heard of Democracy Now! With Amy Goodman, that is producted on Pacifica Radio in NYC. She started here at MY station. We have jazz, hip hop, and all sorts of good music at the station, plus numerous talk shows. It's a good place.
My journalism class is going well, I think. I'm making pretty good grades which is exciting. I'm becoming a little sad that this is my last semester at school, only because life without school seems so dull and redundant. Life goes on and people grow up and get jobs and families and all that stuff. I guess I just don't want to do anything of the nature. I guess I'll have to conform to the norms. Hopefully I can put a twist on things.
I'll write more in a few days. Must get some rest...I have a busy week!