Tuesday, December 12, 2006

One more day

I have, exactly, one day left of school for the semester. Tomorrow I have 1 major final and 1 project due, which is done. I can't tell you how glad I am for this week and semester to be finished. I have worked hard and long hours this semester and I am continually amazing at the new abilites that I discover with each of my new courses. I can, if I wanted, to a fairly professional interview, or take amazing photographs. I can also analyze and nit pick and have great conversation with deep thoughts about film. This is just a minor taste of what one can do and accomplish in 1 semester of university studies. Though I may not be the best in my class, I still think I have the most room for improvement and tend to do that improving thoughout the semester. Which is why break is needed and thank Heaven, it's given to me.

Now to let some of you catch up on whats happening in the world of ME. I have 1 year left of school. I'll officially finish next december with a BA in Communications. I'm pretty hype about the degree, but not so hype to find a job. I'm crazy about radio and would die to have my own show one day. But for now I work at Eastern Mennonite University's public radio station, WEMC 91.7FM (for those of you that are in the area, TUNE IN!) I will soon be working, hopfully, for WMRA which is the public radio station that is funded by James Madison University. I'll take on a little bit more responsibilties there.

Next fall (I know it's a long way from now) I will be applying for a position that will be in France. It's through the U.S Embassy and I would be an English Teachers Asst. in a primary or high school in France. I'm EXTREMELY excited about this, and I pray so much that I get it. Time to go and do a little traveling while earning a very small wage is fine by me!

For those of you that may not know, I have been dating someone for a little over 3 years. Kiel Plogger. He is from Harrisonburg and I ment him through a bunch of friends. He enjoys being outside and we have a dog together...lol...Bailey. She lives with Kiel but I'm there almost everyday playing with her. She is my baby.

I suppose that is enough for one post. I'll probably be back to write more...but i must study for this last final. God Bless.


Sabrina said...
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