It has been far too long since I have sat down and felt like writting and actually continued to write without being interrupted or just no into it. Here I am writting something quick while my medicine kicks in and I can go to sleep. Yup, that's right, I'm sick. This winter has been a tough one for me and health. I've been sick at least twice this winter if not more. I have missed work 2 times because of it, and that is just unlike me.
I have less than a month to finish up my senior project, which is pinhole photography, and it will be displayed starting on April 13 at 7:30, which is when my gallery opening is. I have much to do in between now and then, like, take more pictures, get them mounted, write an artist statement, name my pictures, possibly get two enlarged (very questionable), annnnnd doing other school work in the mean time. Ah college, what will life be without you?
I have been offically accepted into the Washington Scholars program in DC for next fall, and, that will be the end of my college career. For now at least. (No I really am NOT considering Grad school, but I'll leave that option open JUST incase). This time away from Harrisonburg will be good for me, but often I think about other elements that I'm leaving, and I admit, I get a little butterfly in my stomach. Leaving Kiel, the family, and of course, the puppy, will be sad, but I have to keep telling myself that it's ONLY 2 hours away, it's not like France...which is another big step I'll try to take later on down the road..(fingers crossed).
I have successfully gained about 4 pds. in a week. I'm addicted to Kiks cereal annnnnd just eating in general. Exercise is on the agenda for when the nice weather gets around here. I'm ready to run again....yes, running....
I am, for better words, greatly looking forward to Canada in May. Ontario and Alberta on the agenda, and of course my last week and a half will be in British Columbia. I almost instantanisly get a smile and happy feeling when I think Victoria, BC. Sunny and happy weather the west coast and of course....lovely faces. I only wish I could spend more time there. If I didn't have so much to take care of. Maybe next summer?? Or Christmas? Either way, I will get out there again sometime.
Other than classes, working, and Kiel and puppy, nothing much new is going on. I'm hanging out a lot with my best friends and having some good memories made then.
Anyway, nothing new, still have France on the brain, still wanting to goof off instead of doing work, and while almost losing my mind i'm having a GREAT time living!! Life is good. Peace!
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