Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Flying in our Friendly Skies

So, here I am, stuck at Edmonton, ALBERTA! Yes, thats right folks, for all you people that have ever been to this airport, it's crap! Vending machines to accomidate my hunger...I'm eating a bag of chips for lunch! Rockin'! But they are Miss Vickies, so that is a little better.

I'm not going to lie, I love to fly, I think it's the ideal way to travel. For example, it took us, in a car, from Calgary, Alberta to Victoria, British Columbia, 2 days, broken up. It's about 12ish hours all together. Now, I flew from Victoria International Airport to Edmonton which is farther north than Calgary, and it took me an hour and 20 minutes. Which do you think I prefer? Now don't get me wrong, I loved the scenes of the rocky mountains and the wonderful wildlife and interesting sights along the way, but flying, my lands, I got a nap in, I didn't get car sick or motion sick, annnnd I'm halfway done with my trip.

Ok, so this is a lot of babbling, only because I bought a days worth of internet because I figured, hey, I'm here for a 2 hour layover, which ended up being 3 1/2 or something, might as well do something fun. You maybe asking, Sabrina, why aren't you reading a book? Well, I did that too, on the plane, and I did it on vacation. One book down, one more to go....

I enjoyed my vaca in BC as I usually do, but when it's time to go home, I guess I'm more than ready to be home. What is "home"? Well on this trip I've come to realize it's not really that I MISS Harrisonburg, or have a disconnected feeling when I'm away, but I'm more or less discussed with the fact of living out of a suitcase. So whether my home is in Harrisonburg, Washington DC, Colorado, France, doesn't matter, I'm settled when I'm not living out of a suitcase. So....I'm ready to not be on the RUN and feeling like a tourist.

Ok. I'm finished complaining and talking usless and trivial things. I'm ready to be home. the end!

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