Sunday, January 13, 2008

One World Map, Please.

A friend of mine recently bought me a world map. Yes, this seems to be a bit of an odd purchase for give a friend, but I think it's just perfect. When I got home this afternoon, I spread the map out in my bedless room and I looked over it. First, I pointed (to myself) all the places I had been to, and looked to see how far they were from "home". With a grin, I took my index finger to traced the "tracks" that I took on my free travel around Europe in 2005. I traveled a good distance in only 7 days. From Basel, Switzerland down to Rome, then UP to Vienna, then UP UP to Amsterdam, then trickled down to Paris. Ah, what a good time. I looked over Germany, since I might be heading that way in less than a year, then onto the Middle East. NOT because of the terrible and idiotic war that is happening, but because my good friend left on Friday for the Middle East. Of course, then I popped back over the North America to check out Canada, starting in the west. Victoria, BC first, of course, then up to the northern most point of the country the quickly ACROSS and back down to Fort Erie and Buffalo, NY.

Enough rambling, onto what I think about all this. It's very plain and simple but very complex and expensive, but this is what I have to say about this great big world. Damn, it's BIG, I better get started because I have a lot to see! :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What You're Doing.....

Welp, I'm home. Where ever home is, right? In this case, Broadway. I had one HECK of a Christmas vacation, spent at moms in British Columbia, with lots and lots of highlights. First Canadian hockey game (which I'd advise each and everyone of you to go to), a kickin' ski trip to Mt. Washington with snow taller than me, a New Year's Eve (day) plane trip where we flew in formation which I have some amazing photos of (I will add later) and of course, outsmarting the Chirstmas flu..(bwahahahaha). Sorry guys who got it :( I spent lots of time with my mom which was nice as well as the pup, Sasha, whom I'm missing right now because I could be playing tug of war with her sheep that she disembowed.

Each time I arrive home, I only wish I were somewhere else. That is a terrible feeling. I hope that in the next 5 years (or less) I find a place to live of my own in a place that I feel is home and I enjoy. That could be Washington, DC, Seattle, NYC, man, who knows?

Well, I'll probably post more later, but I need some rest. Big day tomorrow. Interview! Adios until later!