Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What You're Doing.....

Welp, I'm home. Where ever home is, right? In this case, Broadway. I had one HECK of a Christmas vacation, spent at moms in British Columbia, with lots and lots of highlights. First Canadian hockey game (which I'd advise each and everyone of you to go to), a kickin' ski trip to Mt. Washington with snow taller than me, a New Year's Eve (day) plane trip where we flew in formation which I have some amazing photos of (I will add later) and of course, outsmarting the Chirstmas flu..(bwahahahaha). Sorry guys who got it :( I spent lots of time with my mom which was nice as well as the pup, Sasha, whom I'm missing right now because I could be playing tug of war with her sheep that she disembowed.

Each time I arrive home, I only wish I were somewhere else. That is a terrible feeling. I hope that in the next 5 years (or less) I find a place to live of my own in a place that I feel is home and I enjoy. That could be Washington, DC, Seattle, NYC, man, who knows?

Well, I'll probably post more later, but I need some rest. Big day tomorrow. Interview! Adios until later!

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