Monday, May 7, 2007

Commencement has come and gone...

It's true, it has come and gone. My beloved school is my past now. Of course, I still have one semester left, but it won't be on the campus of EMU, and that is ok. The more and more I think about being in Washington DC my final semester the more I am sadened because I love EMU. I thought I'd never fall in love with a school like I did this one. Eastern Mennonite University was a place that I never wanted to go when I was searching for colleges. I never went to college, for two years. I worked. A crazy fortune of events happened soon before the fall of what would have been my third year of no education. I finally gave into the school I never wanted to be a part of. The school where my parents went, my uncles, cousins and brother before me. I know now why I love that school so much. It's beauty, it's walls of wisdom and people and community. These walls shape who I am now, and I hope that they will continue to shape me as I grow older. I want to be able to come back to this place and be proud of what I have become because of the knowledge set forth from this University.

This place in my near past has set an imprint of wisdom upon me. It has set a goal to strive to be my best and I have taught myself through this journey of my life to never give up and great things will come for those who wait and try and never give into anything. Perhaps school isn't my favorite thing to do, but maybe I'll go back, so that one day I can teach. I still think I should have been a teacher.

All is well, I'm on vacation and I can say that I'm enjoying it and looking forward to a productive summer and an exciting fall. Keep those fingers crossed that I get that one job I'm searching for!


Valerie and Justin said...

a very nice essay. dick benner would have loved it.

oh, and also, you loved EMU because i was there, right? j/k, dude, j/k.


Anonymous said...

Good post.